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60 Minute Session: $150

90 Minute Session: $190

$25 non-refundable booking deposit required

Frequently Asked Questions

The shade of your teeth will brighten up to 7 shades whiter, with an average improvement of 1-3 shades with each 20-minute session. An individual's results will depend on their current tooth shade, amount of sessions completed, and the overall health of their teeth. The result will be a whiter, healthier looking smile. Everyone's teeth are different and will only get to their most natural white shade. We recommend 4 sessions of 20-minutes for optimal results to remove years of staining.

Results vary from person to person and depends on your diet and lifestyle. However, with proper maintenance, periodic touch-up treatments, and our at home products, you can keep your smile looking great for a lifetime despite daily staining habits.

Our teeth whitening process and products have been proven to be safe and effective. A small percentage of people may experience some tooth sensitivity and gum irritation, which disappears once you stop using the product. Vitamin E oil and remineralization gel is available for clients who experience discomfort. As with anything, abuse of any product can result in undesirable consequences. If you are unsure of your current oral health, talk with your dentist prior to whitening and scheduling an appointment with us.

Treatment times are 20 to 90-minutes depending on the discoloration of your teeth due to daily staining habits and your desired result. Sessions are 20-minutes each and client can up to four sessions in the same visit. Consider it a spa day for your smile!

We use the latest LED laser technology in combination with our signature whitening gels. Our system has proven to deliver amazing results with little to no sensitivity when compared to other whitening systems. We also use a trusted supplier that manufacturers products for many teeth whitening businesses throughout the US.

Most of our clients experience no sensitivity. A small percentage of clients may feel some tooth sensitivity, especially if they are dehydrated or consume extremely warm or cold drinks and foods within an hour or more after the whitening session. Any sensitivity is temporary and will disappear within 24-48 hours.

Yes, teeth whitening will remove staining from existing dental work and restore it back to its original shade. We cannot whiten them beyond the original color of the material used at the time of placement. If there are any food or drink stains on the cosmetic cap, crown, or filling they will lift. However, the original color of the filling, cap, veneer or crown cannot be altered.

Teeth whitening provides drastic results for anyone who wants to have a whiter smile. This includes people with teeth that have been stained from daily habits such as smoking or drinking dark colored beverages such as coffee, tea, soda, wine, etc. Everyone is a good candidate as long as they good oral hygiene, health and are over 18 years of age.

Unfortunately no you can't - whitening may interfere with the glue holding your braces and will cause uneven whitening. Best to wait until you have your braces off.

We don't recommend whitening while you're pregnant or breast feeding, but feel free to ask your primary care physician or specialist for advice.

We don't recommend whitening while having cavities, open wounds, or bleeding in the gums which is a result of poor dental health. If your teeth aren't in a healthy state we recommend seeing a dentist first.

We do recommend you see your dentist for a return cleaning and exam before considering a whitening treatment.

We do not recommend whitening for the following: Children under the age of 18 as the pulp (nerve of the tooth) is enlarged until this age and whitening will cause irritation and sensitivity. Pregnant and breastfeeding, however you can seek advice from your obstetrician/pediatrician. People with health related issues - e.g. Colitis or Crohn's as these health issues can cause damage to your enamel. We recommend you seek advice from your GP or dentists before buying if you have:
  • Periodontal disease
  • Overly sensitive teeth
  • Have had recent oral surgery
  • Decayed teeth
  • Exposed roots
  • Exposed dentine
  • Jaw problems

No, teeth whitening isn't permanent - stains will build up again over time.

If you follow our guidelines for the best and safest results there will be no damage to your enamel. If you're concerned, then we recommend you ask your dentist.

We see awesome results on yellower stains. Clients with a grayish tint seem to have less drastic results but you will still see an improvement.

Sometimes during client application gel can be painted onto the gums accidentally. If this occurs we recommend to remove the excess gel before continuing the treatment as that area may become irritated and sensitive. The peroxide should only be placed on the tooth not skin, lips, or gums. Vitamin E oil can be used as a gum protectant for consumers prone to sensitivity.
Gums will return to normal within a few hours and the whiteness will disappear. Avoid hot, spicy foods until your gums are fully healed and wait at least one week before whitening again. Treat your teeth for only half the recommended time during your next treatment and slowly increase the whitening time with subsequent treatments.

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